
How Long Is Recovery After a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Preparing for a wisdom tooth extraction? The procedure often sparks fear in patients because it does involve pulling teeth. However, it is important to know that modern-day technology has allowed for the evolution of better techniques, which reduce pain and […] Continue Reading

Signs to Consider Wisdom Tooth Extractions

A wisdom tooth extraction is often necessary in order to eliminate accompanying symptoms. Many individuals experience the eruption of their wisdom teeth and never notice the signs. However, there are also a lot of cases in which the wisdom teeth […] Continue Reading

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Frequently Asked Questions

If you need to schedule a wisdom teeth extraction, you likely have numerous questions about the procedure and what it entails. We encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to go over the details in person. In the meantime, […] Continue Reading

At Some Point, We May Have To Remove Them

The process involves some recovery time but only takes a day. You’ll end up with a painless smile. Wisdom Teeth ExtractionWisdom teeth extractions may become necessary when the third molars become impacted. The wisdom teeth can grow at odd angles […] Continue Reading