Sensitive Teeth: 3 Signs It is Time to See Your Dentist

Posted on: November 15, 2019

sensitive teeth Boca Raton, FL

The fact is that sensitive teeth are oftentimes painful, and the only way to treat the issue in many instances is to visit the dentist for in-office care. By fully understanding the more concerning signs indicating that a trip to the dentist office is necessary, you can get the treatment you need and prevent a more serious oral care issue from developing.

When to see the dentist for sensitive teeth

Anytime sensitive teeth are a symptom of a larger issue that puts the long-term health of the tooth in jeopardy or causes an intolerable level of discomfort for an extended amount of time, it is time to visit the dentist for treatment. The following is in-depth information on the signs of unusual teeth sensitivity. 

Sensitive teeth that last for several weeks

There are instances where sensitive teeth might be the result of temporary poor oral hygiene or poor dietary choices, which leads to bacteria eating away at the tooth and causing irritation. If this occurs, it is important to practice good oral hygiene by brushing several times a day and using floss and mouthwash, along with avoiding foods high in sugar and other carbohydrates as well. However, if these changes do not help and the sensitivity lasts for more than a week, then it is time to visit the dentist, as the issue is likely caused by another, more concerning matter. 

The discomfort becomes intolerable

If the pain or sensitivity becomes severe to the point where it prohibits the patient from carrying out their daily routine in a normal manner, then it is time to visit the dentist as soon as possible. There are several reasons why visiting the dentist for intolerable teeth sensitivity is important. The first and most obvious reason is so that the patient can feel better. Additionally, sudden, intolerable pain or sensitivity to a tooth might indicate a tooth infection or tooth damage that went unnoticed. 

Other oral health concerns develop

Anytime sensitive teeth exist alongside other concerning symptoms, it is important to visit the dentist for diagnosis and treatment. In many instances, sensitive teeth are a symptom of a more concerning issue, such as gum disease, tooth infection or tooth damage. If teeth are sensitive and there are any gum complications or visible issues to the surface of the tooth (such as a chip, crack or cavity), then be sure to call the dentist and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 

Talk to a dentist about sensitive teeth treatment

No one should have to live with sensitive teeth daily, and there are fortunately many treatment options available when visiting the dentist. If you suffer from sensitive teeth and want to find out the underlying issue and how the complication can be treated, contact our office today and set up an appointment to have the teeth in question examined and treated in an effective and efficient manner. Our staff is ready and able to help you throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to preventing teeth sensitivity in the future. 

Request an appointment here: or call Karoline Asbell, DDS PA at (561) 225-2063 for an appointment in our Boca Raton office.

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